This morning my devotions were from Genesis 9:8-17. God put the rainbow in the clouds as the sign of his promise to never again destroy the earth with a flood. The following poem reminds me that Bruce's mom has entered heaven, and instead of suffering pain and loss, she is enjoying the "light which never shall decay." For that we are thankful.
A Prayer of Gratitude
The rainbow bending in the sky bedecked with sundry hues
Is like the seat of God on high, and seems to tell these news -
That as thereby he promised to drown the world no more
So by the blood which Christ has shed He will our health restore...
Unto such joys for to attain God grants us all his grace
And send us after worldly pain in Heaven to have a place,
Where we may still enjoy the light which never shall decay
Lord, for this mercy lend us might to see that joyful day.
- Adapted from "Gascoigne's Good Morrow" by George Gascoigne (1542-1577)