Wednesday, October 29, 2008


According to rest is "the refreshing quiet (or repose) of sleep." I have been having difficulty finding "the refreshing quiet (or respose) of sleep. Lately I lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to the sounds in the room, in the house, outdoors. My mind is swirling with thoughts of today's activities, tomorrow's schedule, things I've read, things I've seen, things I've heard, my family - and the list goes on. I try praying, remembering the words of a song, reciting scripture - nothing helps. I recall Psalm 127:2b: "he grants sleep to those he loves." I know God loves me. Why can't I sleep? So I get up, make a cup of tea, and look at what the Bible says about sleep and/or rest. Psalm 91:1 says, "He who dwells (lingers) in the shelter of the Most High will rest in shadow of the Almighty." Maybe I should go back to bed and linger in His Presence....

Postscript:  A little "ha-ha" from the mail today. One of the cover articles on my new Discipleship Journal is" When Insomnia Strikes." Maybe it will help me sleep tonight :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recommend having a fan right by your head... it tends to drown out my thoughts.

Or perhaps it's time to go back to Maui. ;-)